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News Archives

Fern Hill School Family Art Gallery Evening! SAVE THE DATE! April 23,2024

We are very excited to officially announce that this spring, Fern Hill School will host a Family Art Gallery Event! 

Coming together to celebrate the wonderfu...more

Grade 3 Making Sandwiches

The Grade 3 students made approximately 70 bagged lunches that included a sandwich, a juice box, an apple, banana, and Bear Paw cookies. They donated the sandwiches to Highjinx, a local shop that also serv...more

Stories from the Mother Lands Performance

Students in Grades 1 to 6 were captivated by Jacqui Du Toit’s storytelling performance. They listened intently while Jacqui told traditional Zulu stories and had fun being active participants throughout the performance.

Things My Fore-Sisters Saw Performance

Grades 5 to 8 enjoyed a virtual viewing of Things My Fore-Sisters Saw by Leslie McCurdy. The students learned about Marie-Joseph Angelique, Rose Fortune, Mary-Ann Shad, and Viola Desmond and how their actions shap...more

Grade 8 Leadership Roles

The Grade 8 students took on a leadership role and delivered teambuilding workshops for some of the younger grades. The students learned the importance of working together as a group and that communication is very important . Way to go G...more

SK and Grade 3 Visit The Edinburgh Retirement Residence

The Grade 3 students partnered with their SK learning buddies to visit seniors at The Edinburgh retirement home in December. The children sang songs, told some jokes, and recited some poems. Two of the Gra...more

24/25 Year Registration Information

The Advanced Registration period for the current families continues until Friday, January 12th.  Following that date, applications will be accepted and processed from new families. Registration packages are available at the school offic...more